Our partner organisations

By cooperating with several organisations in a region, we can create synergies and effectively pool limited resources. That way, medica mondiale can react quickly to political changes and work in a targeted manner to bring about long-term changes. Our project promotion includes both financial cooperation and an exchange of expertise, plus joint political involvement. With like-minded partner organisations we strive to set up long-term cooperation on a larger scale.
(Overview partner organisations dated: June 2023)
Hami - Women Empowerment Organization e.V.

Hami - Women Empowerment Organization e.V. is a non-profit organization based in Frankfurt am Main dedicated to empowering and supporting women, particularly migrant women and survivors of gender-based violence. They provide comprehensive psychosocial, medical, legal, and career-related support to promote social integration and advocate for women's legal equality in Germany, Afghanistan, and other crisis regions. Hami e.V. engages in political advocacy and public campaigns to raise awareness about women's rights, rooted in values of equality, social justice, and transparency. They also coordinate international projects and cultural events to further women’s rights and ensure their equal participation in all areas of life.
Hami e.V. works in close cooperation with medica mondiale, which supports the organization’s foundation and strategic development. In the context of Afghanistan, they are involved in the "Safer Spaces" initiative, which aims to strengthen feminist action and collective care for Afghan women-led organizations and activists.
Medica Afghanistan – women support organisation (Afghanistan)

Medica Afghanistan (MA) was founded in 2010 by Afghan women as a national and independent NGO. Since then, MA has been a partner organisation of medica mondiale.
Medica Afghanistan’s mission is to work towards sustainable livelihoods for poor Afghan women and their families. MA aims to empower women economically, thereby enhancing their capacity to support themselves and their families in a challenging socio-economic environment. In addition, MA strives to support women and girls with psychosocial counselling.
Middle East
EMMA – Organisation for Human Development (Iraq – Autonomous Kurdish Region)

The women's organisation EMMA (translated: “we”) was founded in 2013 and runs women community centers and points of contact for women in IDP camps in Erbil, Shekhan and Dohuk. EMMA's main topics are empowerment and protection of women, participation of women in politics, rehabilitation of IS survivors and combating female genital mutilation. EMMA offers direct counselling for women and girls and conducts awareness and sensitisation events for for religious and community leaders and the broader public. At the political level EMMA advocates for compensation laws and the rights of survivors of sexualized (wartime) violence.
Focus in the cooperation of EMMA with medica mondiale
The cooperation includes the implementation of prevention measures against sexualised and gender-based violence (SGBV), as well as psychosocial, social and legal support for survivors. Qualification measures and advocacy work aim at improving the protection, support and counselling work for women. In addition, EMMA and other women organizations and women alliances are strengthened through self and staff care measures based on medica mondiale's Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach, as well as through organisational development and feminist action measures.
The Lotus Flower – Women and Girls support Organisation in Conflict contexts (Autonomous Region of Kurdistan & Iraq)

The Lotus Floweris a women-led non-governmental organization founded in 2014 that empowers vulnerable women and girls. The aim is for them to live in safety and financial independence and to empower them to create change for themselves. The Lotus Flower works in the areas of health, safety, education and livelihoods, as well as peacebuilding and human rights. They provide safe social spaces in refugee camps, operate four women's centers for internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees and support host communities in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan (KRI) and Iraq.
Focus in the cooperation of The Lotus Flower with medica mondiale
The focus is to empower girls and women affected by violence, including Yazidi survivors of ISIS in a refugee camp in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Boxing and self-defense classes are implemented to improve their self-confidence, well-being, physical and mental health and fitness. Women and their families, as well as relevant community, public and political actors are addressed through targeted awareness-raising, campaigning and advocacy work on women's rights and sexualised and gender-based violence.
Southeastern Europe
Association of Roma Novi Bečej (Serbia)

The association of Roma Novi Bečej supports Roma and other minority women with an SOS helpline in minority languages. Furthermore, it offers psycho-social and legal support in cases of domestic violence, institutional discrimination and racist attacks. Accompanied with advocacy and educational work.
Focus in the cooperation with the Association of Roma Novi Bečej
Currently no ongoing project.
AWC – Autonomeous Women’s Center (Serbia)

The Autonomeous Women’s Center was founded in 1993. AWC supports women in coping with trauma, caused by domestic or sexualised violence, by providing psychosocial and legal support. AWC raises awareness among staff of legal, health, social and educational institutions about violence against women, women's rights and human rights.
Focus of cooperation of AWC with medica mondiale
Regional and national advocacy work to implement survivors' rights to reparation, truth and justice. Educational work on the topic of sexualised war violence. Monitoring of relevant international conventions.
Budućnost – civil association "future" (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

Budućnost focuses on consolidation of democracy and strengthening of civil society, rights of marginalized groups (women and children).
Focus in the cooperation of Budućnost with medica mondiale
Economic empowerment of vulnerable and marginalised women and girls affected by sexualised gender-based violence (SGBV) through income generating activities and further education in entrepreneurship and agricultural production. Increasing access to justice through advocacy and media presence.
CWR – Center of Women's Rights (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

The Center of Women’s Rights (CWR) was founded in 1996 by a women’s group, mostly lawyers. The aim is to support refugees and internally displaced women in coping with different problems. Survivors of sexualised gender-based violence (SGBV) and women affected by war receive free legal advice and legal aid.
Focus in the cooperation of CWR with medica mondiale
The focus of the cooperation is to offer free legal services in small towns and rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina for women affected by sexualised violence, as well as sensitization trainings for social workers.
HLC – Humanitarian Law Center (Serbia)

The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) was established in 1992. The HLC played a pioneering role in documenting war related sexualised violence. It represents survivors in war crime trials before the Serbian courts, submits critical complaints to the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP) and raises public awareness.
Focus in the cooperation of HLC with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project.
KRCT – The Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (Kosovo)

The Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims (KRCT) was founded in 1999. A priority of KRCT’s work is advocacy- and human rights activities for former torture victims. Furthermore, KRCT supports survivors in terms of legal aid and rehabilitation measures.
Focus in the cooperation of KRCT with medica mondiale
Regional and countrywide advocacy and educational work to implement the rights of survivors of sexualised war violence to reparation, truth and justice. Training of lawyers in dealing with survivors in a trauma-sensitive way. Accompanying survivors in applying for compensation mechanisms.
LINK – Community Development Center (Serbia)

The Community Development Center LINK was registered as an NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) in 2018, and has over 13 years of experience as an activist group working for peace and against sexualised violence. The aim is to contribute to a harmonious and productive society in which the principles of equality, solidarity and tolerance are lived. LINK is part of the Youth United Peace Network, which has been working for peace in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina for over 20 years.
Focus in the cooperation of LINK with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project.
Medica Gjakova (Kosovo)

Medica Gjakova focuses on women rights, access to justice, increasing mental and physical health of women and survivors of (war) violence and on economic empowerment.
Focus in the cooperation of Medica Gjakova with medica mondiale
Direct holistic support for survivors of war related sexualised violence and their families. Regional and national advocacy work to implement survivors' rights to reparation, truth and justice. Support survivors in applying for the war victim's pension for survivors of sexualised war violence, institutionalisation of stress and trauma sensitivity in social and health care.
Medica Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

The focus of Medica Zenica is on women’s rights and ending gender-based violence through direct services, advocacy and educational work as well as capacity building.
Focus in the cooperation of Medica Zenica with medica mondiale
Regional and national advocacy work to implement survivors' rights to reparation, truth and justice. Educational work on war related sexualised violence, improving access to stress- and trauma-sensitive health services and legal support for survivors of sexualised violence.
ROSA – Center for Women War Victims (Croatia)

The Center for Women War Victims – ROSA contributes to women empowerment through psycho-social support, counselling, educational work and public awareness raising campaigns.
Focus in the cooperation of ROSA with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project
SEKA (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

SEKA focuses on peace building, a women centre for therapy, education and recreation.
Focus in the cooperation of SEKA with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project.
Snaga Žene – The Power of Women (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

Snaga Žene's aim is to provide a better life for marginalized women and their families. Support is given in particular to women who were affected by sexualised wartime violence. The organisation follows a holistic approach, which includes a combination of therapy, economic empowerment measures as well as medical, legal and psychosocial support.
Focus in the cooperation of Snaga Žene with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project.
ZDR – Forgotten Children of War (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

Zaboravljena djeca rata (ZDR)/ Forgotten Children of War was founded in 2015, 20 years after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main goal of the organization is to create visibility for children who have been born from rape during the war and to reduce the ongoing stigmatisation of these children.
Focus in the cooperation of ZDR with medica mondiale
The objective of the current project is to contribute to improving the legal status and social recognition of children born out of war, through studies, recommendations for changes in law and networking.
TRIAL International (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

TRIAL International is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in Switzerland. In Sarajevo, TRIAL focuses primarily on providing free legal advice and legal representation for survivors of sexualised violence and works against impunity of perpetrators. In addition, TRIAL offers capacity building for lawyers in order to raise awareness of SGBV issues, counteract stigmatisation of survivors and educate survivors about their rights.
Focus in the cooperation of TRIAL International with medica mondiale
Currently no ongoing project.
Vive Žene (Bosnia and Herzegowina)

The citizen association Vive Žene supports the rehabilitation of women survivors of torture and violence during the war and advocates for education and prevention of sexualised violence.
Focus in the cooperation of Vive Žene with medica mondiale
Regional and national advocacy work to implement survivors' rights to reparation, truth and justice. Direct holistic support for women and girls affected by sexualised violence. Inter-ethnic dialogues between women from different ethnic backgrounds. Educational work on the topic of sexualised war violence. Improvement of inter-institutional witness protection networks.
WiB – Women in Black (Serbia)
Women in Black (WiB) is an international women's network that strives for peace and actively opposes injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence. Women in Black Serbia was founded in 1991 and organises non-violent protests, demonstrations and commemorative events in Serbia on the topic of dealing with the past.
Focus in cooperation of WiB with medica mondiale
Regional and national advocacy work to implement survivors' rights to reparation, truth and justice. Monitoring of court cases on sexualised war violence. Implementation of the Women’s Court, a feminist alternative form of justice.
YIHR – Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Serbia)
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) is a local network founded in 2003 with programmes in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. YIHR Serbia focuses on educating young people from the region about the legacy of war and concepts of dealing with the past. Journalists and human rights activists are involved in the work.
Focus of cooperation of YIHR with medica mondiale
Regional and national advocacy work to implement the rights of survivors to reparation, truth and justice. Educational work for young people on the topic of sexualised war violence.
WAVE – Women Against Violence in Europe (Ukraine)

Women against Violence Europe (WAVE) is a charitable, feminist and non-governmental women’s organisation working to protect women from violence. As a network organisation, WAVE has set itself the goal of achieving gender justice and equal rights by eliminating violence against women. WAVE is made up of more than 160 women’s (rights) organisations from 46 European countries.
Focus of cooperation between WAVE and medica mondiale
The focus is to support activists from Ukraine and neighbouring countries who are providing assistance to survivors of sexualised wartime violence. By directly supporting survivors, they are making a contribution to their safety and stabilisation. The aim of the joint project with WAVE is to empower activists from Ukraine and neighbouring countries to find a good way to deal with the conflicting priorities of protecting survivors and publicising their issues on the one hand and cooperating with fact-finding commissions on the other. This will be achieved with offers of reflection and training in the areas of self-care, contextual analysis, and recognising and coping with the dynamics of trauma.
West Africa: Mano River Region
ADWANGA – Aiding Disadvantaged and Traumatized Women and Girls (Liberia)

Aiding Disadvantaged and Traumatized Women and Girls (ADWANGA) was founded to contribute to the rebuilding process of Liberia after the civil war. The latter was shaped by severe forms of sexualized violence against women and girls. ADWANGA seeks to promote the empowerment of women and girls and provides services in the areas of prevention of sexualized violence and support of survivors. The organization offers education for adolescent girls, economic empowerment and livelihood support through trainings.
Focus in the cooperation of ADWANGA with medica mondiale
The goal of the cooperation is to respond to needs of survivors of sexualised and gender-based violence by providing access to public services. Furthermore, ADWANGA raises awareness of community stakeholders and service providers on laws and consequences of sexualised gender-based violence (SGBV). Furthermore, as part of the feminist alliance network, the organisation is active in the development of transregional advocacy work and contributes to the dissemination of the STA approach. The Feminist Alliance is an advocacy network consisting of partner organisations in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Together they plan and carry out transnational lobbying and advocacy work and exchange information on regional issues.
CVF – Choices and Voices Foundation for Women and Girls (Sierra Leone)

Choices and Voices Foundation for Women and Girls (CVF) was established in response to the rise in women's rights violations and sexualised violence in Sierra Leone in 2018. CVF's mission is to provide support for women, who are affected by sexualisied gender-based violence (SGBV) to organize themselves in self-help groups and to support them psychosocially, as well as economically. In addition, CVF advocates for women's rights at the national level and is member of the regional feminist advocacy alliance.
Focus in the cooperation of CVF with medica mondiale
The aim of the cooperation is to create safe spaces for women and girls within their communities where they can get answers to questions about sexual and reproductive health. Another goal is the improvement of existing mechanisms for the protection of women and girls. This can be achieved through cooperation with and sensitisation of community members, traditional leaders, authorities, and service providers from the health sector. In addition, CVF staff are trained in the Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach (STA) by medica mondiale as well as medica Liberia.
FAHP – Forum Against Harmful Practices (Sierra Leone)

The Forum Against Harmful Practices (FAHP) is a national coalition of 14 registered civil society organizations in Sierra Leone. They are working towards the eradication of Harmful Practices (HP) such as child marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), which are widespread in Sierra Leone.
Focus in the cooperation of FAHP with medica mondiale
The goal of the cooperation is to raise awareness on consequences of Harmful Practices and improve the participation of local decision makers, schoolteachers and adolescents on the issues of ending FGM.
G2G – Girl2Girl Empowerment Movement (Sierra Leone)

The Girl2Girl Empowerment Movement (G2G) works with girls and young women at risk. The organisation offers safe spaces where they can access information and necessary support and build basic life skills to become agents of change for girls' rights.
Focus in the cooperation of G2G with medica mondiale
The aim of the cooperation is to enable both communities and adolescent girls and boys to recognise sexualised gender-based violence (SGBV) as a problem and to prevent it. G2G facilitates dialogue with community representatives, parents, and young people to discuss sexualised violence and its harmful effects, and to develop measures to reduce incidents. The organisation has empowering girls' networks to promote their learning and empower girls to stand up for their rights. In addition, G2G staff are trained in the Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach (STA) by medica mondiale as well as medica Liberia. Within the regional feminist advocacy alliance, they act as a strong voice for the rights of young women and girls.
medica Liberia (Liberia)

Until 2015, medica mondiale Liberia was a country program of medica mondiale. Since 2015, medica Liberia has been an independent Liberian non-governmental organisation, committed to working towards women’s rights and to prevent violence against women.
Focus in the cooperation of medica Liberia with medica mondiale
The main fields of work are: trauma-sensitive and gender-specific approaches to psycho-social work, healthcare and legal advice for survivors of sexualised and gender-based violence, training for state service providers, and advocacy and public awareness work. The particular strengths of medica Liberia are its community-oriented approaches and setting up local protection networks to combat violence against women. medica mondiale and medica Liberia closely cooperate to implement various projects in support of survivors of sexualized violence in Liberia. Since 2021, medica Liberia has also been training other partner organizations in a South-to-South learning approach. As part of the feminist alliance network, the organisation is committed to establish effective transregional advocacy work.
RYMI – Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (Liberia)

The Rising Youth Mentorship Initiative (RYMI) aims to empower adolescents and young women to live a healthy and empowered life. The organisation works to increase young women’s and girl’s access to information on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, to educational opportunities and the acquisition of livelihood and life skills.
Focus in the cooperation of RYMI with medica mondiale
Given the prevalence of sexualized violence against girls in Liberia, RYMI has established so called Girls’ Clubs. In these Clubs that are often based at schools girls are educated about their rights, about reproductive health, SGBV and find a safe space to share experiences. In addition, school administration, parents and community leaders are also involved in the fight against sexualised violence and reporting mechanisms for cases of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) are put into place. Furthermore, as part of the feminist alliance network, the organisation is active in the development of transregional advocacy work and contributes to the dissemination of the STA approach.
WAVES – Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society (Sierra Leone)

The organisation Women Against Violence and Exploitation in Society (WAVES) aims to protect and promote the rights of women and girls. WAVES works with rural communities to reduce poverty and injustice through advocacy work. In addition, the organisation promotes access to justice for poor marginalised women and girls and facilitates their empowerment.
Focus in the cooperation of WAVES with medica mondiale
The goal of the cooperation is to create a supportive and safe environment in the target communities to improve the living conditions of adolescent girls. This is achieved by community sensitisation on SGBV, training on peace building, the formation and training of women-led support groups and school-based human rights clubs. Special focus is on sexual and reproductive rights and ending female genital mutilation (FGM). In addition, WAVES staff are trained in STA by medica mondiale as well as medica Liberia. Waves is also actively involved in developing the regional advocacy work of the feminist alliance.
Women Aid Incorporated (Liberia)

Women Aid Incorporated provides direct support and protection to women and girls who have experienced sexual violence. They also support women at risk to become economically independent and strengthen their right to development, education, and a healthy life.
Focus in the cooperation of Women Aid Incorporated with medica mondiale
The lack of well-equipped and safe shelters and recovery services for SGBV survivors in Liberia has resulted in survivors returning to their communities of origin without any chance of receiving adequate support. This can lead to retraumatisation and puts them at high risk of further violence and reprisals. Women Aid Incorporated responds to this by providing comprehensive recovery and shelter services for SGBV survivors. medica mondiale supports Women Aid’s work at their “OSIWA Village Safe Home”, the largest shelter in Montserrado County for at risk survivors of sexualised and gender-based violence.
East and Central Africa (Great Lakes Region)
AFPDE – women's association for the promotion of inner social development (DR Congo)

The Association des Femmes pour la Promotion et le Développement Endogène (AFPDE) aims to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged people, especially women, girls and children, survivors of war and armed conflicts. The main objectives are to end sexual violence against women, girls and children; to increase women's political participation; to give women equal access to and control over economic resources; and to provide emergency assistance where necessary.
Focus in the cooperation of AFPDE with medica mondiale
In the current project, AFPDE provides medical, psychosocial, socio-economic and legal support to survivors of sexualised gender-based violence in North Kivu, Walungu region (Kamanyola and Kaniola). Focus is on raising awareness among communities as well as accompanying national advocacy campaigns.
Dushirehamwe (Burundi)

Dushirehamwe is an association of over 400 women and girls from all over Burundi. As a national network with a strong community base and representation in over 100 communities, it supports women and girls directly on the ground and raises awareness about sexual and gender-based violence. Dushirehamwe Association has a vision of a sustainable, peaceful Burundi, a reconciled nation and a state governed by the rule of law. Actors at community level are empowered to effectively contribute to peacebuilding initiatives. The network makes a decisive contribution to strengthening and promoting female leadership and strives for women's economic empowerment.
Focus in the cooperation of Dushirehamwe with medica mondiale
In the current project, Dushirehamwe provides medical, psychosocial, socio-economic and legal support to survivors of sexualised gender-based violence in Bujumbura province.
EPF – Working together to strengthen women and the family (DR Congo)

Ensemble pour la Promotion de la Femme et Famille (EPF) promotes women's and children's rights and the improvement of social, health and economic conditions in the living environment of women and children. They are part of a campaign against illegal court fees in South Kivu and organise advocacy activities with 15 allied local women's rights organisations to implement the national strategy TOLERANCE ZERO against violence against women. EPF is a member of the network Directorate of Women's Organisations for Peace Action (DIOFAP) in DR Congo.
Read more about EPF
Focus in the cooperation of EPF with medica mondiale
EPF provides medical, psychosocial, socio-economic and legal support to survivors of sexualised gender-based violence. Focus is on raising awareness in communities and accompanying regional advocacy campaigns. Women and girls in South Kivu, Fizi region, are to be strengthened in their self-help capacities.
MEMPROW – Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women (Uganda)

The Mentoring and Empowerment Programme for Young Women (MEMPROW) aims to empower, promote and give a voice to girls and young women so that they can take control of their lives and actively participate in decision-making processes. As a feminist human rights organization for girls and young women, MEMPROW takes an overarching strategic approach. The latter combines empowering girls through voice, agency, knowledge, and skills with preventing violence by changing sexist or discriminatory norms and mindsets. MEMPROW supports young women and mothers through intergenerational mentoring and peer learning, advocacy networks and skills training to give them access to their rights and enable social survival in a violence-free environment. MEMPROW is concerned with changing the underlying structural causes of gender inequality at the local, national and international level.
Focus in the cooperation of MEMPROW with medica mondiale
The current project is dedicated to the empowerment and psychosocial support of underage mothers, girls affected by violence, in addition, MEMPROW conducts awareness raising- and prevention campaigns on sexualised gender-based violence on national level and in respectivecommunities. The project is implemented in the West Nile region as well as in Kampala. The focus is on regional networking with women's rights organisations in the region, the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and strategically oriented advocacy work.
PAIF – Promotion and support of women's initiatives (DR Congo)

The women's rights organisation Promotion et appui aux initiatives féminines (PAIF) focuses on promoting and protecting women's rights, supporting women and women's initiatives in asserting their basic social, political and economic rights, as well as on psychosocial, medical and legal support of survivors of sexualised gender-based violence. PAIF documents violent crimes against women and girls in the Kivu provinces and uses public relations and advocacy work at various levels in society and politics to campaign for the rights of those affected and the punishment of the perpetrators.
Focus in the cooperation of PAIF with medica mondiale
The current project includes campaigns in prevention of sexualised gender-based violence in school environment and at community levels, psychosocial, medical, socio-economic and legal support and accompaniment for survivors of sexualised, gender-based violence and the strengthening of community-based structures (for example youth clubs). The project is implemented in North and South Kivu. In addition, the focus is on regional networking with women's rights organisations in the region, the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and strategically oriented advocacy work.
RAPI – Associative network for integral psychology (DR Congo)

Réseau Associatif pour la Psychologie Intégrale (RAPI) focuses on community sensitisation on sexualised gender-based violence and psychosocial, medical, socio-economic and legal support for survivors of sexualised gender-based violence. In addition, Rapi is committed to preventing gender-based violence among young people and reintegrating survivors into their communities.
Focus in the cooperation of RAPI with medica mondiale
The current project provides access to medical, psychosocial, and socioeconomic support for survivors of sexualized gender-based violence, their reintegration into school, and community sensitization to causes and consequences of gender-based violence.
RFDP – Women's rights and peace network (DR Congo)

Réseau des Femmes pour les Droits et la Paix (RFDP) is committed to the protection and promotion of women's and girls' rights and socio-economic empowerment of women and sensitises communities on prevention of sexualised gender-based violence and conflict transformation.
Focus in the cooperation of RFDP with medica mondiale
The focus is on providing survivors with access to medical, psychosocial and legal support and assisting them in their social reintegration. Furthermore, RFDP conducts community sensitisation on women's rights and sexualised gender-based violence.
SEVOTA – Solidarity for the evolvement of widows and orphans to promote work and self-help (Rwanda)

Solidarité pour l'Epanouissement des Veuves et Orphelins visant le Travail et l'Auto promotion (SEVOTA) advocates for women's and children's rights as well as psychosocial support and accompaniment for survivors of sexualised violence and their children born as a result. The vision is a society that respects human dignity and in which men, women and children support each other to contribute to the holistic development of all. The overall objective of the organisation is to promote activities related to peace, reconciliation and the promotion of human rights by creating spaces for dialogue and capacity building. SEVOTA actively collaborates with other women's networks in campaigns to combat gender-based violence and mobilise women's rights.
Focus in the cooperation of SEVOTA with medica mondiale
The current project is focused on the social integration of survivors of sexualised violence and their children in their communities through psychosocial and socio-economic support as well as awareness-raising on gender-based violence (SGBV) at community level. Local psychosocial capacities are strengthened as a sustainable contribution to peace and security in Rwanda. In addition, the focus is on regional networking with women's rights organisations in the region, the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and strategically oriented advocacy work.