
Psychosocial counselling and support, trauma-sensitive

Including discussion groups, therapy sessions, material security, help to find accommodation and employment

When they attend medical examinations, police stations, or court hearings, victims of sexualised violence can be retraumatised if the other people involved behave insensitively. In order to avoid this, partner organisations of medica mondiale train the relevant professionals in the STA – Stress and Trauma Sensitive Approach®.

The employees of the partner organisations also undergo regular training to enable them to recognise indications of traumatisation or experiences of violence, even when the people affected do not talk about this directly. After all, shame and the fear of being stigmatised make many women keep quiet at first.

By providing trauma-sensitive support, teams from our partner organisations are able to identify the individual needs of each survivor. Many offer integrated support services:

  • Psychosocial: In open discussion groups and one-to-one sessions, survivors learn to live with their experiences of violence.
  • Economic: Further education and training, and measures to help them find a job or set up a small business are intended to make the women financially independent.
  • Legal: Lawyers support those affected to assert their rights.
  • Safe houses: These offer short-term sheltered accommodation, with help to find accommodation that ensures a secure home in the long term.

Updated: 01/2024

Illustration mehrerer Menschen, die Frau im Zentrum hat die Augen geschlossen, auf ihrem Oberteil ist eine Spirale aufgedruckt.
Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach® (STA)
Since 1993, medica mondiale has been supporting women and girls affected by sexualised violence in war and crisis zones. The STA – Stress and Trauma Sensitive Approach® was developed to provide them with competent and trauma-sensitive support.