
Imprint and legal notice

Information about medica mondiale, legal information about our website

This page provides you with an overview of information about medica mondiale and legal information about our website and social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube).


medica mondiale e.V.
Hülchrather Str. 4
50670 Cologne/Germany

Tel. + 49 (0) 221 - 93 18 98 0
Fax + 49 (0) 221 - 93 18 98 1

medica mondiale is a registered association (registered with Amtsgericht Köln, VR 11341)

Third-party insurance:
Zürich Firmenversicherung Nr. 402.520.582.631 / F.
RCU Versicherungsmakler GmbH, Widdersdorfer Str. 415, 50933 Cologne.


Dr Monika Hauser (legally responsible pursuant to the German Telemedia Act § 5 TMG as well as according to the State Media Treaty § 18 Abs. 2 MStV; address as above), Sara Fremberg (legally responsible according to the German Press Law), Christine Vallbracht

Translation Craig Meulen,

Board members

Elke Ebert, Sybille Fezer, chairwoman of the board: Dr. Monika Hauser (Anschrift wie oben).

Data protection

Please read the notes on data protection.