We support women and girls in war and crisis zones
Eine lachende Frau hält zwei kleine Kinder im Arm.

Our mission

We are committed to ending sexualised violence – worldwide.
Together with our partner organisations, we strengthen women and girls in conflict areas and support them in coping with violence and trauma. We stand up for women's rights and work towards social transformation.

As a feminist women’s rights and aid organisation we do this as part of a diverse feminist movement.
A woman from Rwanda stands in a meadow. It is Seraphine Mukanyabyenda from SEVOTA.

“Our work remains necessary since injustices and violence continue and we need to bring them to an end. Women should be able to enjoy their rights, since they are essential for justice, peace and security.”

Seraphine Mukanyabyenda from SEVOTA, Rwanda

Self-care & staff care for womens rights activists
Portraitfoto von Karin Griese, Bereichsleitung Trauma-Arbeit. Karin Griese trägt einen bunt gemusterten Schal.

„War rape has a devastating effect, not only on individual women and girls, but also on families and society as a whole.“

Karin Griese, Head of the Trauma Work Department

A colleague from our partners PAIF from the Democratic Republic of Congo
A colleague from our partners PAIF from the Democratic Republic of Congo
A colleague from our partners PAIF from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Donate now to support women and girls
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Your contribution counts

hand in hand for women's rights
Your support makes our work possible. Together with fellow activists around the world, we are stronger than ever. We are ready for a future that we will change with our strength and perseverance in a feminist way. With mutual solidarity, with trust and a shared vision, we are working to end sexualised violence worldwide. Thank you for being a part of it!
supported projects and 5 multi-country programs in 2022
partner organisations worldwide
countries on 3 continents
Eine Frau mit einem grünem Schal steht auf einer Dachterrasse mit Kölner Dom im Hintergrund. Es ist Sybille Fezer, Geschäftsführender Vorstand Internationale Programme bei medica mondiale.

“There needs to be a change of thinking here, then we will see governments and civil society showing more solidarity with women and girls in conflict areas.”

Sybille Fezer, Member of the Board for Programmes