
Donate regularly for women and girls

As a regular donor to medica mondiale you provide long-term support to survivors of war and sexualised violence. Even small amounts can have great impact!

We support women and girls in crisis areas around the world together with our local partner organisations.
Donate regularly: As a regular donor you provide long-term support!
Even a small amount can have a great impact.

Your regular donations: Small amounts, great impacts

Whether medical care, psychosocial support or legal advice, whether material support or training vocational skills: for women and girls in crisis areas your regular donation is a promise of a future. Join us in working for the benefit of survivors of violence and trauma – for a world where women can live in safety, in dignity and in justice.

Even a small amount can have a great impact. This is because the regular donations ensure the long-term viability of our international projects and relief measures. Furthermore, you are making it possible for us to react flexibly and effectively during ongoing crises or acute emergencies. And our administrative costs for regular payments are lower, which means even more of your donation is directly available for our projects.

What your monthly donation can achieve

7 Euro
Just 7 euro per month cover the travel costs for one survivor of the Yugoslav Wars to attend therapy sessions.
15 Euro
For 15 euro you make it possible for a survivor of the genocide in Rwanda to access offers of therapy for 3 weeks.
50 Euro
For €50, a woman in Iraq who has experienced sexualised violence can receive one-time medical support.

Why your regular donation is so important

Security and stability: These factors are of fundamental importance to many women in war and crisis areas if they are to overcome discrimination, experiences of violence and trauma. As a regular donor to medica mondiale you are making a crucial contribution to opening up long-term prospects for these women and enabling a fresh start in a new life for them.

A woman with a raised, clenched fist looks smilingly into the camera.

Your benefits

as a regular donor to medica mondiale
1. You can make a great impact with even a small donation
2. You help us in both acute crisis situations and ongoing projects
3. You receive regular information about the impacts of your donation
4. Your donation may be tax deductible
5. You can change the amount of your donation or cancel it at any time

How to set up a regular donation

If you want to support medica mondiale with a regular donation, there are several options to do this. For your ease, you can instruct your bank to set up a regular transfer of the amount you choose to donate to us. Or there is the option of using our simple and secure online donation form to set up a regular donation for the amount and frequency you wish. Of course, an e-mail or a call is sufficient to cancel your regular donation without notice if you want to.

If you have any questions about your donation, the colleagues from our Donor Service will be happy to answer them.

Do you have questions about regular donations? Contact us!

Ingrid Hemmelrath, Donors Service