

A girl or woman who has experienced sexualised violence; often referred to as a ‘victim’

People who experience sexualised violence are often seen as ‘victims’, but that term conveys an idea of passivity and helplessness which contradicts the approach taken by medica mondiale. 

So employees of medica mondiale and its partner organisations use the term ‘survivors’ when talking to and about those affected. These women and girls have managed to avoid being broken by the violence. Counsellors in the projects help them to become aware of their power and strength.  

Updated: 01/2024 

Zu sehen ist das Logo der Frauenrechtsorganisation medica mondiale im Hintergrund mit arabischen Schriftzeichen darunter. Rechts davor das Gesicht einer freundlich lächelnden Frau. Es ist Rechtsberaterin Jihan Abas Mohammed.
Our partner organisations
Cooperation with local partner organisations is important in order to use resources effectively and to network regionally.