
Mindful Organisational Culture©

Prevention of collective stress and trauma dynamics within organisations

Mindful Organisational Culture© is a feminist approach to staff care. Its aim is to promote and foster the resilience of staff and other activists as individuals as well as of teams and whole organisations.

The foundation of the approach is mindfulness. Staff members direct their mindfulness to:

  • their own patterns of reaction and stress,
  • the well-being of others around them, and
  • structural problems that can exacerbate stress and trauma dynamics. For example, they may focus on how the safety of staff members can be assured, or how well information is being passed on within their organisation.

Self-care and staff/organisational care form one of the four basic principles of the Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach (STA)®.


Updated: 01/2024

Illustration mehrerer Menschen, die Frau im Zentrum hat die Augen geschlossen, auf ihrem Oberteil ist eine Spirale aufgedruckt.
Stress- and Trauma-sensitive Approach® (STA)
Since 1993, medica mondiale has been supporting women and girls affected by sexualised violence in war and crisis zones. The STA – Stress and Trauma Sensitive Approach® was developed to provide them with competent and trauma-sensitive support.