15. August 2023 - News

Messages of solidarity for women in Afghanistan today: Your freedom is our freedom!

For two years, the rights of Afghan women have been brutally and systematically cut back by the ruling Taliban in all areas of life. It is obvious to us that the freedom of women in Afghanistan is absolutely linked with the freedom of all women around the world. The level of support for Afghans can be clearly seen in an action initiated by medica mondiale to demonstrate solidarity with them.

Two people looking on a postcard
Hundreds of postcards and e-mails have been received by medica mondiale as expressions of solidarity.

“You have not been forgotten!”

“You are the future, the future in which your country can finally prosper. I firmly believe in you and I am impressed by each and every one of you.”

“It is heartbreaking how little we can do from the outside, but we are trying our best, we are thinking of you and we are with you.”

More than 500 e-mails and postcards with similar messages have reached us in recent weeks. A flood of solidarity and compassion. They all make it clear: The freedom of women in Afghanistan is absolutely linked with the freedom of all women around the world. And, with our supporters, we continue to stand in solidarity with women and girls in Afghanistan. Together with Afghan partners in the country, in exile and around the world, we are working to uphold their rights.

Second anniversary of the Taliban takeover

Life for women and girls in Afghanistan changed suddenly and radically two years ago. Within days or weeks after seizing power, the Taliban had robbed them of many freedoms. To mark this sad anniversary, we have collected messages of solidarity from our supporters. Today, August 15, 2023, we are sending them digitally to our networks: to women and girls living in Afghanistan; to our partner organisations; and to our former Medica Afghanistan colleagues who now live in Germany. We are showing our solidarity with the Afghans.

Courageous women’s rights activists are leading protests against Taliban oppression in Afghanistan. They continue to look for ways to strengthen women’s rights and implement projects to benefit girls and women. They continue to struggle, against all odds, for a self-determined life.

German government needs to live up to its responsibility

medica mondiale continues to support them and is calling on the German government to live up to its responsibility.

After more than 20 years of intervention in Afghanistan, the German government has a political responsibility to consistently assert the rights of women and girls in the country. Following the Taliban’s return to power, the rights of Afghan women and girls cannot be allowed to disappear from Germany’s political agenda. Therefore, in the spirit of a feminist foreign and development policy, and in consideration of the German government’s self-declared commitment in its “Action Plan for Afghanistan”, we call on the government to enact meaningful political measures and take action to assert women’s rights and improve the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan!