Video: Corona-Talk Compilation – How to fight for Women`s rights in a Crisis
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Corona-Talk Compilation: How can women's rights work continue under difficult conditions, such as now in the Corona pandemic?
Compilation of a talk between Caroline Bowah, Director of medica Liberia and Sybille Fezer, Director of medica mondiale and former regional manager for Liberia about how the Ebola epidemic in 2014 affected their work and life. How did medica Liberia as a women’s rights organization transformed their work and therefor played a key role in curbing the epidemic back in the days?
The Covid-19 crisis sheds light on the vulnerability of women’s rights all over the world. Women are key in coping with crisis, most of the life-sustaining work is done by women. At the same time the situation for women gets worse in the moment a crisis occurs. Violence against women is increasing, for instance physical isolation leads to a rise in domestic violence. Important political projects are crossed from the agenda, attention for long-term feminist issues declines. Women’s rights organizations have to reorganize their work and sometimes completely turn upside down their work in order to respond to an epidemic.
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Video: Corona-Talk, full version – How to fight for Women`s rights in a Crisis