Video: 25 years genocide of Srebrenica – Sabiha Husic of Medica Zenica on women's rights work in Bosnia
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July 11, 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the genocide of Srebrenica. More than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys were murdered by Bosnian Serb troops who had captured the city of Srebrenica. This genocide during the Bosnian war is considered the most serious war crime in Europe since the Second World War. Tens of thousands of women and girls experienced sexualised violence during the Bosnian war. More than 100,000 people lost their lives.
To this day – 25 years after the Dayton Peace Agreement – there are hardly any measures to come to terms with the past and no common policy of remembrance. Politicians tend to promote the division of the population instead of initiating a reconciliation process. Many war criminals are still worshipped as heroes.
Sabiha Husic of Medica Zenica commemorates the victims of the massacre on the occasion of the 25th anniversary and recounts how Medica Zenica supported surviving women and girls after the genocide. She highlights the importance of acknowledging suffering for trauma management, coming to terms with the past and reconciliation.
The video was broadcast at the event "Srebrenica: 25 years on – Remembrance. Justice. Reconciliation" by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion.