Evaluation Report Medica Afghanistan 2015-2018
News about the evaluation report: "Make added value of well-trained health personnel more visible"
Transnational Health Training Program (THTP) in Afghanistan
The Transnational Health Training Program (THTP) is a three-year intervention implemented between 2015 and 2018 in Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Afghanistan it is put into practice by the national non-governmental organization Medica Afghanistan and carried out in the three afghan provinces Kabul, Herat and Balkh. The project contributes to an increased access to quality health care services for women and girls affected by sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) through improving the quality of care of health care service providers at the local and national level. Its core part is the qualification of health care staff in SGBV and a stress and trauma-sensitive approach® from medica mondiale (STA) towards affected women and girls. By acquiring new knowledge, skills and attitudes on the nature and effects of traumatic events, the interaction between health-care providers and clients shall be improved, and shall have an empowering effect on the women affected by SGBV. The project also aims to sensitize the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) at the national and provincial level on the need for improved knowledge, skills and attitudes regarding trauma and its consequences for women and their children.