12. September 2024 - News

New study on the long-term consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence in Kosovo

Together with our Kosovan partner organisation Medica Gjakova, we present our new study on the long-term consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence in Kosovo. The study documents the deep, long-term psychological, physiological and social consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence, which still shape the lives of those affected 25 years after the violence they were subjected to.

Aktivist:innen in Kosovo halten sich an den Händen

The Kosovo War ended in June 1999. During this conflict, tens of thousands of women and girls were raped and held captive for days or weeks while being sexually exploited, beaten or branded. To this day, this violence continues to shape the lives of the survivors, their families, and society as a whole. However, there is still very little data on the issue and there are considerable gaps in the research, particularly on the long-term consequences of sexualised violence. For this reason, we joined forces with Medica Gjakova to conduct a study on the long-term consequences of sexualised violence. It provides impressive and uniquely sourced evidence of how the experience of violence affects the psychosocial and physical health of survivors.

Initial situation and background

The Kosovo War (1997-1999) was the final chapter in the violent disintegration of Yugoslavia. Conflict-related sexualised violence was everywhere, as were other violations of human rights. It took place in homes, hotels, checkpoints, police stations and administrative buildings. In rural areas, it formed part of strictly organised and coordinated military operations, along with other crimes such as mass killings or forced displacements.

Feminist activists and organisations were among the first to seek out and support the survivors of sexualised violence. medica mondiale was one such organisation. In cooperation with local activists, we opened a centre in the city of Gjakova in 1999 to support survivors of conflict-related sexualised violence. This collaboration gave rise to the women’s rights organisation Medica Gjakova, which is actively working to support survivors and improve women’s rights.

Study documents the profound long-term consequences of sexualised violence

To date, there has been a lack of empirically based insights into the long-term consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence and the situations of survivors. So we conducted a study into this in Kosovo with Medica Gjakova. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the study is based on statements from 200 survivors and provides statistics and detailed descriptions of the long-term consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence.

The study documents the deep, long-term psychological, physiological and social consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence, which range from complex post-traumatic stress disorder and depression to headaches and fatigue or distrust and high levels of anxiety. These still shape the lives of those affected 25 years after the violence they were subjected to. The study reveals the experiences the survivors have had in their social and societal environments, the coping strategies that give them strength, and the significance for them of support services such as those provided by medica mondiale and Medica Gjakova.

The long-term consequences documented in our study are not unique to Kosovo, but can also be seen in our other project regions: West Africa, the African Great Lakes region, Afghanistan, Iraq and South-East Europe. They are therefore examples of the consequences of conflict-related sexualised violence to be found in other conflict and post-conflict regions worldwide. 

Women who have survived conflict-related sexualised violence need long-term support. This is exactly what we offer. Our work spans decades offering assistance to the women. Support our work now and help women regain control over their own life - in Kosovo and worldwide.

Die in unserer Studie dokumentierten Langzeitfolgen sehen wir nicht nur in Kosovo, sondern auch in unseren Projektregionen in Westafrika, den Großen Seen Afrikas, in Afghanistan und im Irak und in Südosteuropa. Sie stehen exemplarisch für die Folgen sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt, auch in anderen Konflikt- und Postkonfliktregionen weltweit. 

Frauen, die sexualisierte Kriegsgewalt überlebt haben, brauchen langfristige Unterstützung. Und genau diese bieten wir. Wir bleiben über Jahrzehnte an der Seite der Frauen. Unterstützen Sie jetzt unserer Arbeit und reichen Sie damit Frauen die Hand auf dem Weg in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben - in Kosovo und weltweit.

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