“Because we are women.”

Afghan women’s rights defenders speak about courage and resistance

An exhibition project about and with courageous women human rights defenders from Afghanistan.

These are tales of resistance and solidarity, of farewells and settling in – and of the unwavering commitment to a just world: for more than 20 years, we fought together against misogynist structures and empowered women who had experienced sexualised violence. Courageously, the colleagues in our Afghan partner organisation spoke up for the rights of women in Afghanistan.

Their lives were put in real danger in August 2021 when the Taliban seized power again. We managed to help all 90 of our colleagues and their families to escape from Afghanistan to Germany.

Now, 20 of them tell their poignant stories.

Evacuation 2021

As the Taliban capture the Afghan capital Kabul on August 15, 2021, seizing power in the country again, this puts the activists at Medica Afghanistan in mortal danger. Together with their colleagues at medica mondiale, they feverishly look for evacuation options. These are weeks full of hope and despair, as exit routes seem to appear, but repeatedly turn out to be dead ends.
Around the clock, the women’s rights activists in Afghanistan and Germany use messenger apps to stay connected. They exchange security information and explore escape options. The medica team send stories for the children and forward messages of solidarity from their partners in Liberia, Rwanda and Kosovo. Trauma colleagues from northern Iraq send breathing exercises. Even in the most difficult situations, this sharing does not stop. Every message clearly says: We won’t leave you alone!

18. August 2021
J. - Medica Afghanistan
Hello to all my dear colleagues and friends from medica mondiale and MA , I much appreciate all your hard efforts to support us in this crisis situation, I am thankful  from each one of you dears ,my heart is with you,pray for me and my family.  I am going to airport for US trip which was unexpected  for me today.
S. - medica mondiale
I wish you the best of luck that you can enter the airport. If it doesn’t work, you will try again. Now go go go and try ! 
M. - Medica Afghanistan
Safe trip J. jan! I was also included to this trip but I didn't accept because my two chidren are in Istanbul and don't want to be so far from my children.
K. - Medica Afghanistan
I hope you are fine J. jan, could you pass the gate?
J. - Medica Afghanistan
My children were terrified with gun shots and my daughter got injured. If there is any mechanism or support to cross the gate so I would much appreciate this. Otherwise, it will be impossible for mothers and young children.
J. - Medica Afghanistan
There was gun shoots and two women got injured. Three times tear gas was sprayed. It was horrible experience 😢 and I am physically and mentally broken and tired .
N. - Medica Afghanistan
We got insulted and beaten by Taliban today in the airport 
J. - Medica Afghanistan
It's an inhuman and disrespectful process. I was advocating for the past 7 months but international community did not listen and now we are at the stage to have visa, plane, money but can not get out 
J. - medica mondiale
I hope that this is the last time that you experienced something like this dear J. and that no one else will be in this situation.  May all the good thoughts and love from here reach you and give you some rest for the night and hope for the day to come. Tomorrow is a new day, and we remain by your side ❤️🙏🏽🍀 

About the exhibition project

“Because we are women.” visibly portrays decades of successful women’s rights work in Afghanistan, making clear how this work brought about many changes in the country, and was not done in vain.

At the same time, the multimedia exhibition documents the dramatic consequences of the seizure of power by the Taliban in August 2021, revealing: The lack of responsibility shown by the West, including Germany, which let down a country and its people. The dangers and enormous stress associated with the evacuation of our Afghan colleagues and their families. The steadfast courage and incredible strength of these women, who are now building up a new life in Germany in spite of many obstacles. The solidarity which made these evacuations possible.


A further intention behind the project was and is to show that this will continue. We will continue to stand together, for women’s rights and against misogynist structures. This project is also a beacon and signal for the women and girls of Afghanistan.


Porträt von Monika Hauser
Monika Hauser
Founder medica mondiale e. V.
“it can be said we are used to dealing with huge difficulties and unpredictable events. However, the horrors of August 15, 2021, and the following months of evacuation required the greatest effort of any action in the entire history of the organisation.”
Masiha Fayez
Chair Hami e. V.
“I have lost a lot: my work, my home, my social status. The situation is not easy. But I have experienced receiving humanity, and I have been humane towards others. That gives me the strength to continue.”


The exhibition

Visit our exhibition in Cologne

Experience this multimedia exhibition project about and with courageous women human rights defenders from Afghanistan at the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum in Cologne and be inspired by their resilience and strength. 

31.01. – 13.04. 2025
Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Cologne
Eine Frau mit braunem Kopftuch geht an einer dunkel bemalten Wand vorbei, auf der Demo-Sätze zu Frauenrechten stehen.

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Your donation is more than just support for our projects—it is a powerful sign of solidarity, showing the women in Afghanistan that they are not forgotten.

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Lela Ahmadzai
Lela Ahmadzai is a multimedia journalist and photographer who lives in Berlin. Born in 1975 in Kabul, at the age of 17 she emigrated to Germany. From 2002 she has documented the societal and political changes in the country. During her travels, in 2016, Lela Ahmadzai filmed the work of the women human rights defenders from Medica Afghanistan. She was reunited with some of them as part of this project.


We thank and honor those who have brought this project to life with their ideas, dedication, and passion. Learn more about everyone involved in the imprint!